The other day, I just had one of "those" days....I was in a mood to say the least. No real reason why, just irritable. When I got home from work, I was frustrated and annoyed and decided to go for a walk. Boy, was I hustling on that one! I was ranting in my head about everything and anything that came to mind. One of those things being how I had not had a pedicure in about a year and how I keep saying I am going to get one and then, there is never money for it. This of course, because of the mood I was in, was all my husband's fault. (Of course that's not really true, but I was on a roll with my whining and moaning, and there was really no reasoning with me). I eventually walked it all off and was feeling a little better by the time Matt got home. I decided not to share my evil thoughts with him since I knew better than to cause an unnecessary fight. Anyways, I few days later, on date night, Matt said he had a surprise for me. I of course, love surprises and just thought we were going somewhere fun. Turns out, he had planned for me to get a pedicure AND get my nails done (something I had not done since our wedding!) Of course, the nails benefit him too since he likes the way they feel when I scratch his back! Needless to say, this was a humbling moment, and I had to confess my previous bad attitude! All that to say, that I love my husband and how he takes care of me....even when I am mean! And I love how God reminds us that we are blessed beyond belief even in our bad attitudes!