Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's (Almost) the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I will start this off by saying, fortunately, my husband does not read my blog, so I can't get in trouble for what I am about to write. =)

I love Christmas...I mean, I L-O-V-E this holiday! Easily my favorite of the year and for so many reasons! I love giving gifts, I love the decorations, I love the time off from school now that I have that, it's wonderful! And, of course, there is the most important reason on all - without it, we as humans were screwed because no one would have come to save us!  I don't so much care for the music though. 

I must confess, I would really like to pull the tree out and decorate before we leave for New York. I mentioned the idea casually, last night. Husband said no. I don't know's not like we are celebrating Thanksgiving this year, so technically, we aren't getting ahead of ourselves. Oh well.... 

Instead, I bought this last night in order to enjoy the anticipation of the upcoming holiday season. 

Isn't it adorable?!?! I love the movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (along with all those childhood classics - they are still my favorite to watch every year!), but I never pulled this quote out of it before...and soon as I saw it (thank you Pinterest!), I knew I had to have it. Plus, the meaning is so perfect! As much as I love to shop for others, nothing compares to the gift already given to us. Anyways, I think, in an attempt to pacify me and delay the decorating of our house, the husband said to buy and I did! Can't wait for it to get here...and I get wait until Friday, November 25 when the Christmas season officially begins!!

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